A downloadable pixel font

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A base Inuktitut syllabic 16x16 pixel font formatted for Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow but also suitable for GB Studio, etc. 

I will eventually add a version including all the flipped/rotated letters (for now you can flip/rotate them yourself). The Gameboy can flip normal tiles vertically or horizontally, thus "p, q, b, d" could all be  a flipped "b", taking 1 tilespace instead of 4. In that case the base font set would be all you need. However fonts are usually stored as a separate type of tile which cannot be flipped by the hardware, thus the extended font with pre-flipped versions is what you need.

Here is a brief explanation of flipping tiles in gameboy games, taken from: https://www.chibiakumas.com/z80/Gameboy.php?noui=1

"The second bank of the tilemap is in the format: PVH_RCCC. 

P Priority (1=Tile in front of Sprites... 0=behind)
C Color palette (0=normal 1=Sprite palette)
V Vertical Flip (1=on)
H Horizontal flip (1=on)
R Ram bank for tiles (1= GBC for tiles numbered  257-511)"

Here is a tutorial regarding flipping tiles in Pokemon using the PokeCrystal disassembly: https://github.com/pret/pokecrystal/wiki/Allow-tiles-to-have-different-attributes-in-different-blocks-(including-X-and-Y-flip)

How to get the dots above the letters:

The 3 dots above various letters required in Inuktitut, included in the pixel font .png, should be added to the Pokemon games using the Japanese dakuten feature which originally added marks to Japanese letters like は to ば or ぱ. This way the letters stay full-sized while also including the dots. A tutorial for that is here: https://github.com/pret/pokered/wiki/Restore-Dakuten-and-Hakuten-Mechanic-to-Graphic-Accentuation-(--%C2%B4--,--%5E--,-etc.)

The dakuten feature can use the tile priority (tile overlay) and the "white = transparent" feature (described in the tutorials linked to in this description) to add dots to just above full-sized letters without affecting the screen in any other way.

If you can code, I heavily encourage you to make a tutorial for inserting a menu switch between two alphabets in-game in Pokered, perhaps using the two different alphabet files (one which uses English letters, one which remains in-game unused and originally shows Japanese letters). That way a person can play the game and switch freely between the syllabic alphabet and English letters. 

A tutorial for switching between several different alphabet files in GB Studio is here at Edo999's Japanese kanji fonts for GB Studio: https://edo999.itch.io/condensed-fonts/devlog/450051/new-japanese-pixel-font-ava...

General font install instructions for if using GB Studio:


General font install instructions for if using Pokered or Pokeyellow:

Navigate from the main pokered/pokeyellow folder to gfx > font. Rename the existing font.png to font1.png then rename the Inuktitut font file to font.png and drop it into the folder.

Navigate back to the main pokered/pokeyellow folder and click on charmap.asm within it. Scroll down to the area with the following:

charmap "A",         $80
charmap "B",         $81
charmap "C",         $82
charmap "D",         $83

Replace A, B, C, D etc with the letters or combination of letters in order of how you have arranged them in the font.png file. For example:

charmap "a",         $80
charmap "pa",         $81
charmap "ta",         $82
charmap "ka",         $83


charmap "ᐊ",         $80
charmap "ᐸ",         $81
charmap "ᑕ",         $82
charmap "ᑲ",         $83

To install the dots above letters, follow the tutorial for Dakuten linked in the description.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

inuktitut_16x16_pixel_font_syllabic.png 1 kB

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